Thursday, December 22, 2005

We aren't afraid to say it.............

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! We hope that everyone is enjoying the Christmas season in a way meaningful to you. While Keona only has a limited grasp of the BABY JESUS, he knows what babies are and that people get very excited about them -- as he is about his baby brother. However, he has a very firm grasp on Santa Clause because he has seen a hugged him! I say anywhere that faith can begin, let it be. Santa is a tangible reminder that there is someone bigger than ourselves who can accomplish great things. I didn't know how much of "the Santa Phenomenon" Keona understood until we took a trip to Sam's Club one day and he saw a large Santa figure and got all excited (last year, he wasn't so excited). I asked him what he wanted Santa to bring this year and he very firmly stated: "A fishing pole". He has remained steadfast in his request ever since. Oh to be two and know exactly what you want. If only his requests would stay so simple. : ) Keona thoroughly enjoyed his visit with Santa this year and even gave the Big Guy a hug.

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